


Color design of color pavement

1 道路交通设施中色彩的特殊性

1 color particularity in road traffic facilities


(1) the change of color character in motion


People often consider the color selection in static state when they are doing color design, while ignoring the relationship between color and natural light, speed and human vision. Road traffic facilities and dynamic are closely linked. Its color is affected by light under dynamic condition. It forms a new color system. Therefore, when designing road traffic facilities, we should consider the selection and combination of colors in dynamic environment.


(2) the change of color in space


This experience may be a long sight for everyone, and mountains are grey and blue. They will become gray purple when they are approaching it. Eventually, they will turn to green and green at last. In the different space, due to the formation of ubiquitous atmospheric particulates, sunlight and other reasons, the color perspective phenomenon, is our road traffic facilities should be considered when the color design.  And some highway and city roads in the site is open or with the terrain environment, then we should pay more attention to the effect of perspective color color. The color will be affected because of factors such as the trend of atmospheric cold hue, lightness and chroma will come to gray near, this requires us in road traffic facilities color design targeted adjustments.


(3) the influence of color on traffic safety


Guizhou color bitumen sharing red objects seems to be closer to the actual distance than the actual distance, and the blue color makes the object look backward, increasing the sense of remote. The difference in the visual effect of this color has great influence on the judgment of driver formation. According to the Minnesota state security department found that sooner or later, the fog rain weather in the light green and yellow car is very easy to be seen, the distance is generally 4 times the dark of the car, not only makes people look increased the car driver's visibility, but also cause nerve excitement, concentration of energy, reduce accidents.

2 路面色彩的重要性

The importance of the color of the 2 pavement

铺筑不同色彩的路面在某种程度上比垂直的交通标志更好,它可以直观的给驾驶员以信号。例如,在交通事故多发地段,可以铺筑红色或黄色路面,直观地提醒驾驶员谨慎行车。在通过中小学校区的道路上, 铺筑铁红色路面, 使车辆减速慢行, 避免危险的发生。在高速公路弯道、下坡道、隧道入口及出口段, 按一定宽度分组横向设置彩色防滑减速带, 用以防滑减速, 采用不同色彩路面, 使之清新醒目, 增强行车的安全性。实践证明, 彩色路面丰富的色彩能刺激驾驶员大脑, 缓解驾车疲劳程度、保持良好情绪、降低事故隐患。瑞典在阿尔卑斯山上的某些特别危险的路段涂上了红颜色, 结果交通事故减少了85%-90%。我国也曾做过相关的试验, 为了降低因车速过快而造成的事故, 曾在长距离的路段上涂上几十条相间的白色线条, 驾驶员通过这些白色相间的线条, 看起来犹如水中的波纹一般, 感觉速度过快, 从而使驾驶员自觉地降低车速。

The pavements of different colors are better to some extent than the vertical traffic signs, which can be visually signalized to the drivers. For example, in a lot of traffic accidents, red or yellow roads can be paved to remind drivers to drive carefully. On the road through the school area of primary and middle schools, the iron red road is paved to slow down the vehicle and avoid the danger. In the expressway bend, downhill, tunnel entrance and exit section, a set of color skid deceleration zones is set up in a certain width according to a certain width. It is used for anti-skid deceleration, and adopts different color roads to make it fresh and striking, and enhance the safety of driving. It has been proved that colorful pavement can stimulate the driver's brain, alleviate the degree of driving fatigue, maintain good mood, and reduce the hidden danger of accident. Sweden was painted on some of the most dangerous sections on the Alps, and the traffic accident was reduced by 85%-90%. Our country has done the related experiment, in order to reduce the excessive speed caused by the accident, had white lines painted dozens of white in the long distance on the road, the driver through the white line, looks like the water ripple, feeling too fast, so as to make the driver consciously reduce speed.

3 什么是道路交通设施色彩

3 what is the color of the road traffic


The color of road traffic facilities include: motor vehicles, non motor vehicle lanes and sidewalks, bus lanes and climbing lanes and other parts of the color; gas station, parking lot, vehicle stops (bus or taxi) and other ancillary facilities of road traffic signs and markings of color; color as well as the main transport hub station or internal traffic facilities (mainly is to guide the color information), covers the history, culture, climate, vegetation and other factors, is a relatively concentrated and full color system, at the same time should be combined with the surrounding city construction color.

4 色彩在人们认知方面的重要性

The importance of 4 color in people's cognition


Shape, color and quality are the three main elements of visual information. When people observe objects, the first visual reaction is color. The color and the shape compared to the color of human attention, at first sight, accounted for 80%, while the shape of the attention accounted for only 20%; duration after 2min, in the shape of the attention can be increased to 40%, the attention to the color to 60%; after 5min, the color and the shape of the impression is 50%. This tells us that road traffic facilities planning and design personnel should take full account of the influence of color on the whole design in the process of planning and design.彩色沥青路面施工小编今天就分享到这里了,如果这边还有什么不了解的可以来我们公司了解了解情况。


